V for Vendetta by Alan Moore is a murderous and devious novel about a serial killer. This brutally horrific story takes place in the United Kingdom of the 1990's. Hidden behind a mask with a hideous bone chilling, phony smile, we the reader never learn Vendetta's, the main character, true name, or identity. He manipulates and charms his unexpected prey, whom are chosen at random, never expecting his frightening smiling face to be their last sight.
What is behind this costumed grin? A deep and powerful urge to fulfill his vendetta against the cruel government and establishment. "Must create crime!" His demented mind creates evil, his body follows. Explosions of blood, buildings, and firecrackers entrapped and fascinated innocent women into loving him, becoming many lifeless sweethearts. "Must create crime, sounds so ugly even on a green dock." He see's himself so superior, even the English Army should look up to him. It is as if he has no beating heart, not even an ice cube of a heart, however, he has rhyme and reason to complete these incomprehensible acts of insanity. It is all to feed his hunger for change for the people. Let the revolution begin.